Parenting can be a challenge, particularly for military families.  At Camp COPE, we want you to know that you are not alone and there is help out there.  Here are some resources that the counselors at Camp COPE have found useful.



Helping Kids Cope with Stress

Warning Signs

For parents before/during Deployment:

Parents Called To Active

Supporting Children of Deployed Parents

Supporting Military Kids During Deployment

Helping Children Cope During Deployment

Media Exposure While Parent is Away

Staying Involved with Education

Talking While a Parent is Away

Surviving the Deployment: Ideas, Projects, and Activities for Families

For the parent who is returning from Deployment:

Expect Changes in Children

Talking About Return

Getting to Know your Children Again

Routines During Return


Impact of Grief and Loss


Recommended Websites

 Kid and Young Adult Reading:

 Recommended Books